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The Ten Marketing Commandments In CEE

I have thought long and well before starting this blog. After all, there are so many blogs dedicated to the juicy topic of marketing. I will, however, try to concentrate on another aspect of marketing. Firstly, I will try to cover topics that concern marketing from a regional point of view as there are many companies which run a regional marketing setup. Secondly, I will concentrate on the broad region of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). And lastly, I will try to pay more attention on the funny side of marketing and how to avoid situations where everybody says: I told you not to trust the idiots from marketing – they made complete asses of themselves again and that is why we cannot make any sales…

So let me kick off my first blog with the listing of the Ten Marketing Commandments to be followed by all righteous marketers in CEE. After all, Marketing is a kind of religion with its rituals and prophets (Mr. Kotler, anybody?)


(in no particular order)

1. Know thy region

This is especially true if you come from the "civilized" world of New York, London, Paris, or Amsterdam. Bulgaria is not at all similar to Burma, regardless of the fact that they are next to each other in the world atlas. Believe it or not but I did know a boss who asked his assistant to book a flight between Vienna and Bratislava (about 45 kilometers distance as the crow flies). And many are those who still mix Slovakia with Slovenia, and Latvia with Lithuania. Therefore it would not hurt to read about the region's geography, history, and culture.

2. Check first, trust second

You will find many (very charming) people who will try to sell you anything. It would not hurt to be extra careful before signing any commitment. This is where a good legal advice would be very handy. But you are already doing that, are you not?

3. Plan for extra time

As a matter of principle it never hurts to budget a couple of more months, especially for bigger projects and campaigns, but this is especially true for CEE, You have to budget for unforeseen delays caused by holidays, slower transport, bureaucracy, legal requirements etc. Just as an example, a promotional campaign can be significantly delayed or even stopped when you learn in the last minute that you have to pay 40 % income tax on all those nice gifts you are giving (as it is the case in Hungary).

4. Be very careful when deploying centralized solutions

I know of many big companies which have made the “copy-paste” mistake without even checking on the consequences. A classic example is the Philips campaign in the 1990s in Bulgaria. In this campaign the slogan “Quality that not everybody can afford” offended many of the poorer potential customers and had to be stopped. Also, a campaign developed for Russia will likely not work very well in Czech Republic or Hungary even only because of the history of the past 70 years. You may therefore have to choose between a very generic message which is cheap to produce and distribute, or a specific one that can work well per country. My personal preference is to cluster countries in terms of proximity, market similarity, languages, etc. Nevertheless, using the same message for both Romania and Bulgaria (which, after all, are both Balkans countries) may not work at all. Simply make your research first before making the clustering.

5. Do not make quick assumptions

Base your actions on facts and research, not on gut feeling. The fact that people live in poorer countries does not mean that your target group is necessarily poor, and cutting the price (or playing with the package size) is your only option. You will often find that people are willing to invest more money that you expect, and that quality is more important to them than other attributes.

6. Branding rules!

Invest time and efforts to develop your brand into one people trust. Stress on your traditions (if you have them) as people in the CEE have seen even some bigger Western brands come and go to invest in the more lucrative pastures of the BRICAs. And finally, do not claim that your product or service is something it is not. People can buy it once but in principle be prepared for a bit more suspicious attitude than in the West.

7. Careful with that media plan!

Media agencies in CEE do tend to sell you media plans which include some not very logical media choices for your product. Normally you will find that the said media agency has some better conditions with these media. It therefore makes sense to double check and challenge every suggested plan. I would actually even recommend going directly to selected media when your budget is limited. This will not only increase your discounts but will also allow you to find the best and most focused investment in your target audience.

8. Stress on frequency, not reach

Of course, your actual strategy depends very much on your product and budget but I have generally found that stressing on frequency rather than reach brings better results. This is, of course, based on the assumption that your message and execution are good. In principle media noise in CEE can be greater than in Western Europe because of lack of regulation (e.g. number of billboards is much greater), early stage of media market development, willingness of people to try new media etc. It does make sense then to bring your message with a greater frequency to a small but loyal group of customers who can spread word of mouth about your product or service.

9. Go for regional media

There are many media channels or groups which operate on regional level. There are also surprisingly little customers who actually make use of this. Getting into touch with the headquarters of companies like Discovery, Eurosport, RTL, etc. can bring you an additional discount of 15-20 % compared to local media planning.

10. Bigger is not better

And finally, do check also smaller local agencies, even if your parent company has a world contract with one of the behemoths. You will find that some local agencies are not also cheaper but also more creative, more flexible, faster, and more correct in their relationships.

It will be awesome to also get the point of view of other marketing people on these commandments. Who knows, maybe we can extend them to 15 or 20…

Who Am I?

A common sense marketing practitioner and teacher. Always willing to learn new things. Always looking at life with a sense of humour.

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